Frequently asked questions
What age is baby massage and baby yoga for?
Baby massage & Baby yoga is suitable for baby from when they are 6 to 8 weeks old up until pre-crawling stage. All yoga is baby focused yoga.
What age is massage, movement & music for?
This course is suitable for baby from 12-weeks old to pre-crawling.
Can my partner come to class?
Absolutely! You can bring 1 extra person with you to class.
Partners are welcome, just let us know before hand so we can set a extra place out. You can also invite a grandparent as your plus 1, should you wish to.
What happens if my baby cries in class?
Classes are all babyled, please follow your baby’s needs during class.
How many people are in each class?
Maximum 6 per class in Wootton and 5 per class in Biggleswade and Moggerhanger. Our classes are kept intimate in order to give you a safe and nurturing space.
How do I clean baby after Messy Play?
After Messy Play you will have the chance to wash baby after class.
In both locations (Wootton & Moggerhanger) a lovely warm bath will be available for you to wash your baby. All you will need to bring is a towel. While you wash your baby, we will clean your messy play station.
What is the difference between Messy Play 1 and Messy Play 2?
Each 5 week block of messy play has 5 different messy play elements per course.
It does not matter which order you do our messy play courses.
We have named them Messy Play 1 & Messy Play 2 so you/we know which course you have done previously and are not repeating the same course twice.
My baby has an allergy can they still attend messy play?
YES! If you let us know what allergy your baby has, we will adapt the messy play experience for your baby.
What happens if we miss a class?
Due to us having such small classes, if a class is missed we can not offer a refund. If we do have a space available on the same course during that term then we will do our best to move you to a catch up class. If you are away on holiday or duo to illness you may gift your place to a friend.
My baby was premature, can we come to class?
As a baby's skin is so delicate, it is important for baby to come to class as near to its corrected age as possible.
We have found with the younger babies they tend to sleep, poop and nap during class, (which of course is absolutely fine) but some parents feel disheartened when their baby is not getting the full baby massage & yoga experience .
Please pop us a message if you are still not sure when the time is right.
If you can't see an answer to your question, please do contact us so we can help you in anyway we can.
Sareena & Nim